Miasma Collector

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A Miasma Collector can contain up to 20 units of Miasma, generated at a rate of 1 unit every 4 seconds (15/min), after which it will overflow and release the excess in the same way a Noxious Coral would do without the Collector.

Building Costs

Miasma Collector
Stone plate.png Fabric.png Frowl sac.png Miasma Collector
20 x Stone Plate 10 x Fabric 2 x Frowl Sac
Must be built on top of a Noxious Coral

Available Recipes

Miasma Vial

Player 1 Stumpy 2 Stumpy 1 Crafty 2 Crafty 1 Stumpy & 1 Crafty

Miasma Collector 2x Small Vial 2x Miasma

16 sec
( 3.75/min )

2x Miasma Vial
Miasma Collector 2x Small Vial 2x Miasma 2x Miasma Vial
Quest Unlock: Simple Icon Divine Researcher.pngGas Capture