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A poisonous gaseous material, full of unrefined magic.

A toxic Miasma, thick with magic. Needs to be contained in a vial to be further refined.

Miasma is continuously generated by Noxious Corals, filling up to 2 tiles around it. Squilicans and Pengui can generate Miasma clouds as part of their attacks.

When inside a Miasma cloud, the player will take continuous damage, while all types of Spark except Puffies will first be stunned before taking damage and eventually die. Sparks stunned from Miasma exposure can be whistled normally to wake them and move them out of harm's way.

Puffy Sparks are impervious to the Miasma's stun and damage, and when thrown inside or close enough to a cloud of Miasma, they will clear all clouds in their suction area, filling themselves with Miasma in the process. Throwing a Miasma-filled Puffy will release clouds of Miasma on the point of impact leaving the Puffy empty. This can be useful to fight certain enemies such as Frowls, which will be stunned after inhaling Miasma, letting them open for a safe attack.

When a Miasma Collector is placed on top of a Noxious Coral, up to 20 units of Miasma, generated at a rate of 1 unit every 4 seconds (15/min), will be contained within the building before overflowing and the excess being released in the same way the Noxious Coral would do without the Collector.

Used in

Miasma Vial

Player 1 Stumpy 2 Stumpy 1 Crafty 2 Crafty 1 Stumpy & 1 Crafty

Miasma Collector 2x Small Vial 2x Miasma

16 sec
( 3.75/min )

2x Miasma Vial
Miasma Collector 2x Small Vial 2x Miasma 2x Miasma Vial