Tree Bark

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A basic organic material for fibrecrafts.

A large piece of tree bark, ready to be unwoven into fibres.

Recipes Available

Tree Bark

Player 1 Stumpy 2 Stumpy 1 Crafty 2 Crafty 1 Stumpy & 1 Crafty

Sawbench 1x Wooden Log

8 sec
( 7.5/min )

2x Tree Bark
Sawbench 1x Wooden Log 2x Tree Bark
Tree Bark

Player 1 Stumpy 2 Stumpy 1 Crafty 2 Crafty 1 Stumpy & 1 Crafty


2 sec
( 30/min )

1x Tree Bark
Logger 1x Tree Bark

Used in


Player 1 Stumpy 2 Stumpy 1 Crafty 2 Crafty 1 Stumpy & 1 Crafty

Loom 4x Tree Bark 2x Rope

8 sec
( 7.5/min )

1x Fabric
Loom 4x Tree Bark 2x Rope 1x Fabric

Player 1 Stumpy 2 Stumpy 1 Crafty 2 Crafty 1 Stumpy & 1 Crafty

Loom 4x Leaves 2x Tree Bark

16 sec
( 3,75/min )

1x Rope
Loom 4x Leaves 2x Tree Bark 1x Rope