Dowsing Stone

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An assembled magical item, primarily used in crafting Sparks.

A piece of cut quartz with a string that can help you find things.

Recipes Available

Dowsing Stone

Player 1 Stumpy 2 Stumpy 1 Crafty 2 Crafty 1 Stumpy & 1 Crafty

Stone Workshop 1x Quartz 1x Rope

24 sec
( 2.5/min )

3x Dowsing Stone
Stone Workshop 1x Quartz 1x Rope 3x Dowsing Stone

Used in

Scouty Spark

Player 1 Stumpy 2 Stumpy 1 Crafty 2 Crafty 1 Stumpy & 1 Crafty

Spark Workstation 1x Stumpy Spark 1x Dowsing Stone

32 sec
( 1.875/min )

1x Scouty Spark
Spark Workstation 1x Stumpy Spark 1x Dowsing Stone 1x Scouty Spark
Scouty Spark

Player 1 Stumpy 2 Stumpy 1 Crafty 2 Crafty 1 Stumpy & 1 Crafty

Scouty Spark Shrine 1x Stumpy Spark 1x Dowsing Stone

32 sec
( 1.875/min )

1x Scouty Spark
Scouty Spark Shrine 1x Stumpy Spark 1x Dowsing Stone 1x Scouty Spark