Aetheric Distiller

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Building Costs

Aetheric Distiller
Wooden panel.png Beelephant carapace.png Aetheric Distiller
20 x Wooden Panel 1 x Beelephant Carapace

Available Recipes

Pellet Refining

Player 1 Stumpy 2 Stumpy 1 Crafty 2 Crafty 1 Stumpy & 1 Crafty

Aetheric Distiller Shrine 1x Aetheric Pellet

48 sec
( 1.25/min )

6x Aether Shard
Aetheric Distiller Shrine 1x Aetheric Pellet 6x Aether Shard
Quest Unlock: Simple Icon Divine Researcher.pngRefining Aether
Raw Distillation

Player 1 Stumpy 2 Stumpy 1 Crafty 2 Crafty 1 Stumpy & 1 Crafty

Aetheric Distiller 1x Raw Aether

48 sec
( 1.25/min )

4x Aether Shard
Aetheric Distiller 1x Raw Aether 4x Aether Shard
Quest Unlock: Simple Icon Divine Researcher.pngAlchemy
Refined Distillation

Player 1 Stumpy 2 Stumpy 1 Crafty 2 Crafty 1 Stumpy & 1 Crafty

Aetheric Distiller 1x Refined Aether

128 sec
( 0.46875/min )

30x Aether Shard
Aetheric Distiller 1x Refined Aether 30x Aether Shard
Quest Unlock: Simple Icon Divine Researcher.pngAlchemy - 2