Aetheric Clump

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A medium-sized piece of unrefined magic material.

A clump of partially digested material and condensed pieces of magic. Must be cut into smaller, more usable pellets

Drops from

Beelephant Beelephant Corpse Spunny Burrow Mantis Stag
Beelephant.png Beelephant corpse.png Spunny barrow.png Mantis stag.png
Pengus Frowlspawn Squilican Rock Teron Frowl
Pengus.png Frowlspawn.png Squilican.png Rock teron.png Frowl.png

Used in

Clump Dividing

Player 1 Stumpy 2 Stumpy 1 Crafty 2 Crafty 1 Stumpy & 1 Crafty

Cutter 1x Aetheric Clump

128 sec
( 0.46875/min )

6x Aetheric Pellet
Cutter 1x Aetheric Clump 6x Aetheric Pellet
Supply Chest
Stone plate.png Aetheric clump.png Supply Chest
20 x Stone Plate 5 x Aetheric Clump